Summer time means a lot of things depending on what part of the country you live in …
But for most of us it means some pool time, soaking up the sun and summer vacations!
Vacations are important because it allows you time to relax, spend time with the family, and get away for a bit!
The team here at Zanes Law has been taking a lot of vacations throughout the summer!
Individuals have gone to Puerto Vallarta, Rocky Point, Kentucky, California, Cabo, Staycations, and have traveled all over the place, really!
We know you all have had some GREAT vacations this summer as well! We hope they were filled with fun, laughs, love, and relaxation!
Because we live so close to Mexico, many of us drive down to Mexico for multiple summer vacations. Check out our recent blog post on how to handle auto accidents in Mexico.
Stay safe and have fun during your travels!