No matter what the economy may look like, applying for a job, getting through an interview or any other task related to pursuing or continuing your career can be stressful.
Especially today – there is so much information to wade through….
Who do you follow and what are really the best practices to ensure your resume makes it to the top of the pile in the human resources department?
To be honest, we agree – there is SO much information to choose from and there is a lot of awesome material out there…
And there is a lot of not-so-awesome material out there.
Human Resources At Zanes Law Are Here to Serve YOU
We decided to help our fellow applicants out and cherry pick what WE want to see in our applicants’ resumes, cover letters and more.
We don’t want it to be a guessing game, we want to share with you, what we believe makes an “A player” long before one is hired at Zanes Law.
For the next three days we will be releasing tips and tips for cover letters, resumes, and interviews!