Zanes Law to Participate in Career Day at Sierra 2-8 School

We send our children to school and eventually college in hopes that they reap an incredible amount of knowledge and one day are working the careers of their dreams!

This year Zanes Law is proud to be participating in Career Day 2016 at Sierra 2-8 School on March 4th to share our career experiences at the Law Firm with the students!

And boy are we excited to present to the eager students of Sierra! Career Day is more that just explaining the day to day tasks of a job.

Career Day is a day to dream and create a vision of what a student can work toward. It’s a chance to exemplify leadership in any given career and it gives the awesome opportunity to any student to explore their passions as it correlates to entering the workforce in the future.

At Zanes Law we truly believe that cultivating a growth mindset and creating sky-high value applies both professionally at work and personally in all of our relationships and beyond!