What constitutes a serious injury? Typically, serious injuries send you to the emergency room. They can include broken bones, burns or any injury that requires hospitalization or surgery. Serious injuries are typically debilitating and involve a long recovery. Victims incur significant medical expenses and may have trouble finding treatment that resolves the problem.
When a major injury occurs, most people immediately realize the importance of legal representation. However, it’s important to remember that it’s crucial to seek medical attention and legal advice, no matter what the injury.
With a serious injury, the level of disruption to the victim’s life can be extensive and potentially permanent. The subtleties of the insurance and legal processes are too overwhelming to sort out when the victim is already dealing with emotional distress, pain and financial worries.
If you have a serious accident, we encourage you to consult with a personal injury attorney who will be your advocate in getting compensation that covers your medical bills, as well as pain and suffering. Insurance companies will always try to get you to settle quickly, but it’s important to remember that serious injuries can yield long-term effects on your health.
Remember that when you’re facing a serious injury, time is of the essence, both in terms of your peace of mind, and in getting the legal processes going to benefit your health, happiness and financial stability.