When we say “hit” we mean plastered all over the buses!

That was a pun… get it? GET IT?

Okay, okay but we are excited to be zipping around town with the local buses of Phoenix in hopes of helping Phoenicians get the resources they need should they have experienced an accident.

For the last decade Zanes has been reworking, refining and innovating new marketing strategies to reach out to new clients.

We are in your living room on the screen – turn up the volume!

We are in your car- lean in for a closer listen!

We are in your mailbox – You’ve got mail!

Often times we hear,“You guys are EVERYWHERE!”

And lately we really are! Zanes Law has been hitching a ride across Phoenix with the public transportation buses!

Recognize the number? Yup – that’s us! 602-999-9999! As personal injury lawyers in Phoenix, we want to make it easy to contact us hence all of the 9’s!

Now we are on the road – but please – No tailgating…  🙂

In cased you missed us rolling on the road, take a look at the new bus ads below!

Have you seen us?! Give us a holler below or send us a picture!

*MAJOR NOTE: Please do NOT text, photograph, social media, google and on and on while driving.