If you’ve been following the Zanes Law Blog at all, you know we have a mini behind the scenes series happening with all of our departments and today’s post ends that series!

Yesterday we touched base with the Settlements Department aka the MoneyMakin’ Department as they like to call themselves.

Here is an overview of the Settlement Department! Go check it out!

And if you are really behind…You’ve got a lot of reading to catch up on…So hurry up already! You may have missed our tour with the Intake Department and the Case Management Department too!

When we toured yesterday, it was noted that the Settlement Department was the last stop in a Pre-Litigation case. In other words, if your case does not take any curves or turns outside of the normal pre-litigation process, then it should be settled without unexpected delay….

BUT….This is not always the scenario with some cases… Some case end up going to the Litigation Department. Here, you will likely find the quiet department. Tucked away in the headquarters of Zanes Law, the litigation team works tirelessly to move both the client and the case at hand through, a sometimes, difficult and confusing process.

“Litigation can be scary and overwhelming because the process becomes elongated” says one litigation manager. “The case has already had a lifespan of at least 4 to 6 months and now you are adding more time, paperwork and other factors to it.”

Although the litigation team may appear as quiet mice, they are a fiery bunch with much preparation under their belts for courthouse communication and sometimes eventual trial.

“If you think a demand packet is bulky, wait until you see these arbitration notebook!” one litigation case manager laughs as she settles into her seat to call a client about a potential court date.

If your case travels through litigation, both your personal injury attorney and new litigation case manager discuss the litigation process with you and begin the process of filing a Complaint.

We were told it wasn’t exactly like complaining/whining… but rather one of the first documents filed in any personal injury lawsuit. Comprised of separate, numbered paragraphs, each containing one allegation, the legal complaint is a formal announcement of your intention to seek damages for an injury in a court of law.

This sounds well…complicated! And it is but the litigation team reassures us that their is a paper for everything and a deadline to match.

“The rest of the process is more documents to be filed with the courts and a lot of waiting,” explains one manager. “We completely empathize with our clients on their frustration with the pace of process.”

While most personal injury law firms don’t wish to have their clients go through the process of litigation, sometimes it is necessary for the case to be served justly for the client.

You need a Harry Potter wand for this kind of magic and Zanes has it!

There you are folks! A behind the scenes peek at how the system works behind the curtains of Zanes Law.

If you have more questions on the process of a personal injury law or perhaps you need help in figuring out if you have a case at all, we would LOVE to hear from you either by calling into one of our local offices near you.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Click here to contact us through our website or call

Tucson: 520-777-7777

Phoenix: 602-999-9999

Glendale: 623-999-9999